Alina Chertock appointed SPP2410 Mercator Fellow

July 24, 2024 / Sylvia Zur

Prof. Alina Chertock from the NC State University, USA is appointed to be the SPP2410 Mercator Fellow, during her research stay at Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz in November 2024. Congratulations!

Handover of the certificate from Prof. Lukácová to Prof. Chertock (left).

This Mercator Fellowship is associated with the SPP 2410 project "Random compressible Euler equations: numerics and its analysis" under the project leadership of Mária Lukácová-Medvidová and Michael Herty.

We are delighted that Alina Chertock supported the project with her expertise and gave a talk on "Navigating Uncertainty: Stochastic Methods for Nonlinear Systems and the Women Leading the Way".


About the SPP2410 Mercator Fellowship:

In the framework of the DFG-funded SPP-2410: Hyperbolic Balance Laws in Fluid Mechanics: Complexity, Scales, Randomness Priority Research Programme (CoScaRa) are Mercator-Fellowships awarded.
The Mercator Fellowships enables intensive collaboration between researchers from abroad and selected SPP 2410 partner projects. Although Mercator Fellows are on-site for only part of the run-time of the projects, it is the target to establish long-lasting contact with the projects’ team members once their research stay is over.

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